Monday, December 30, 2019

9 Powerful Pieces of Advice From Some of the Most Successful Marketers

9 Powerful Pieces of Advice From Some of the Most Successful Marketers9 Powerful Pieces of Advice From Some of the Most Successful MarketersWe talk to a lot of smart people on The Content Strategist- CEOs, founders, CMOs, marketing gurus- and have learned plenty from their industry experience. So, to help you succeed in your own career, weve assembled a best of list of our favorite marketing wisdom from our past interviews. Think of it as a Thats What I Call Music, except for marketing thought leadership.1. Solve Problems Like ProductMost marketing organizations are not platzset up in a way for smart people to be successful. Theyre built in an old hierarchal command and control structure I am the head of marketing. I know mora than you do about the use of this color. I know more about the use of an email. I know more about data collection than you do. Its kind of a farce that you have to break down. Its all about how you empower a team to focus on solving a problem. Not the way that marketers used to solve problems, but the way that product teams used to solve problems. If youre a product person, youre thinking about how to make a product better for your customer. And youre probably using lean agile techniques and the way that you set up the KPIs for the team are all built around how do you develop a more successful customer relationship.- Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, CMO, Mozilla FirefoxIn case you havent heard, marketing is changing dramatically, and your team should, too.2. Focus on Growth, Not MetricsThe board is tired of hearing about marketing metrics. The CEO couldnt care less about marketing metrics. We need to move beyond marketing metrics to business metrics because CMOs are now operating as growth drivers. They are looked to for top-line revenue.- Alicia Hatch, CMO, DeloitteAccording to a CMO Council/Deloitte study, CMOs are now seen as the primary drivers for growth and revenue generation- even more so than the CEO.3. Get More Involved in DataIt all comes d own to how disciplined you are gathering your data, keeping your data cleansed, and making sure your data is in a format that can be easily translated into multiple systems.- Henry Schuck, CEO and Founder, DiscoverOrgSchuck was talking about leveraging artificial intelligence, but his comment also applies to the whole marketing funnel. As software continues to drive marketing, maintaining a clear, accurate data machine is more important than ever.4. Optimize the Customer ExperienceIf you look at how quickly you can call for an Uber or pick a movie on Netflix, our tolerance and our attention span right now as consumers is wildly, wildly, wildly shorter than it used to be. Youre dealing with a world where theyre expecting that you know who they are, you can understand their needs, and you can fulfill them in real time.- Sameer Patel, CEO, KahunaAs digital titans like Amazon and Uber change how business is done, customers are setting new expectations. As a result, optimizing the custom er experience has become a rallying call of sorts for marketers.5. Go for Better, Not PerfectFew things in marketing are about achieving perfection. Theyre largely about doing a better job than your competitors.- Scott Brinker, Editor and Founder, ChiefMartecabsatzwirtschaft is a margins game. If your content only converts at a 5% rate, that may still be a win if your competition only converts at a 2% rate. Brinker is spot on that too many marketers strive for perfection instead of simply outperforming their competition.6. Think FastTheres one thing thats very loud and clear when it comes to how users are embracing facebook inc Instant Articles and Google AMP, and its that they love speed and fast content. If users arent going to wait more than 400 milliseconds for content, why would they ever wait for an ad?- Jarrod Dicker, Vice President, Commercial Product and Innovation, The Washington PostSpeed is a big deal, both for SEO and the customer experience. Google and Facebook- which control the majority of digital advertising- realized early on that speed would engender users to their platforms. Marketers should, too.7. Collaborate Cross-functionallyWhen we have a product or idea, the whole team comes together. Were not that linear. We dont departure with a product then move to advertising then move to content. We bring everybody together in the same room, and they start working on What are the right choices within the 360? That model then dictates whats the right content for us to leverage.- Julia Goldin, CMO, LEGOContent cant exist in a silo. Not surprisingly, LEGO has the right idea Content must be an integrated, strategic process that includes the entire marketing organization.8. Write More (and Often)I dont have a secret. I just write like I talk. I think almost anyone can do it, but most people arent diligent enough for our trade. You know, I blogged for three or five or 10 years, depending on how you measure it, with almost no one reading my work. If you show up- the same way we get good at walking, the same way we get good at talking- you can get good at it.- Seth Godin, writer and marketing guruGood marketing often comes down to good writing. And Seth Godin knows the only way to get better at it Write a lot.9. Build Channels FirstOur philosophy is If we build it, they wont come. I think we never take for granted that our content is going to necessarily find that audience on its own. We all know there are too many choices and channels and ways to spend your time. Youve got to work backwards.- Linda Boff, CMO, GEOrganic growth can be hard to come by as Google and Facebook change their algorithms. Thats why sophisticated distribution and sophisticated channel strategies are more important than ever.This article was originally published on The Content Strategist. It has been republished here with permission.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Police Academy Overview

versicherungsversicherungspolice Academy OverviewPolice Academy OverviewThere are hundreds of career paths you can take within the field of criminology, and alarge number of them are sworn law enforcement jobs. Law enforcement careers offer many benefits you wont find in other jobs, including early retirement, clear-cut opportunities for advancement and job diversity. But before you can take full advantage of yourcareer as a law enforcement officer, including becoming a detective or working your way up the chain, you have to make it through the police academy. Starting at the Bottom as a Police Recruit Law enforcement agencies have rank structures that are very similar to the military. Typically, a police departments chain of command will start with the rank of officer or deputy, or in the case of state agencies, trooper. The ranks will include sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and majors. At the bottom of the ladder is the police academy recruit. Police Academies Are Learning Institutions Above all else, police academies are places of learning. Each state has different requirements dealing with the mandated curriculum and training hours a recruit has to have before getting law enforcement or POST certification. Typically, academy recruits will spend upwards of 800 hours or more in training before they graduate. Most of this instruction takes place in a classroom. Academics are very important in police academy training. Recruits usually take at least one test a week while they are in the academy, and there are strict rules in place about getting a passing score. In Florida, for example, recruits must receive an 80% or higher on each test while they are in the academy. If they fail to achieve an 80% on any test, they have to leave the academy. Developing effective study habits is essential for academy success. Signing up for the Police Academy Means Hard Days Ahead Besides the academic requirements, recruits have to be proficient in several areas con sidered to be high liabilities. These subjects include firearms, defensive tactics, first aid, and vehicle operations. The high liability courses involve long and grueling days. Recruits may spend hot summer days outside on the firearms range, or they may sweat it out on the mats in defensive tactics. Due to the intensity of the training, injuries are common. Different Types of Police Academies The type of academy a recruit attends has a great deal to do with how the day-to-day life of a recruit may be structured. In some states, police training is decentralized and conducted at local community colleges or academies. These academies tend to reflect a more collegiate atmosphere. In others, there may be one police academy that provides law enforcement training for the entire state. Some police agencies may host their academy. Law enforcement agencies that hold their academies tend to have the most rigid training because their recruits are also hired as employees. This allows the a gency to exert more control over their recruits and impose stricter disciplinary standards. These academies are usually run similar to a military-style boot camp, wherepush-ups, leg lifts, and otherforms of physical exertion are used as means of correcting even minor infractions. Life as a Police Recruit A day in the life of an academy recruit may include a 500 a.m. wake up for morning physical training. This might consist of a morning run or calisthenics. After PT, the recruit will have breakfast and then a short time to get cleaned up, showered, shaved and in uniform for the day. Before class, there may be a morning inspection and push-ups for rule violations. Police Academy Training Is Worth Every Minute Academy life is both strenuous and exhausting, but its also fun. In the academy, memories and friendships are made that will last well beyond your career. Those who can tough it out emerge smarter and stronger for their efforts. The police academy prepares recruits to fac e the stresses and rigors of police work, and its the necessary first step toward a successful career in law enforcement.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The 5 hidden traits CEOs look for when hiring a leadership team

The 5 hidden traits CEOs look for when hiring a leadership kollektivThe 5 hidden traits CEOs look for when hiring a leadership teamIn business, we like to think everything is quantifiable- but thats not the case.Even something as essential as findinggreat leaderscant be done with data or numbers alone.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraWhen hiring a leadership team, credentials factor in, but CEOs dont blindly rely on a resume alone. Past accomplishments, college credentials, and other on-paper accolades dont always translate to actual ability, unfortunately.For a company to find what it really needs- great managers who make excellent judgment calls- the hiring team has to look beyond credentials to understand a candidates true colors.Its about identifying the intangible traits that cant be taught. Sometimes, figuring out if someone will be a truly competent leader requires actuall y throwing them into the fire and seeing how they respond.As a three-time CEO, I look for key traits that suggest a candidate is, in fact, the type of person who will succeed in a high-pressure leadership role.Here are the most telling1. ResourcefulnessBeing resourceful means being able to make the most of a companys resources- no matter the supply.But you have to see this skill in action to effectively gauge it.Thats why I prefer topromote employeesinternally whenever I can. At one of my previous companies, many of our best managers started off at the company in entry-level positions. And perhaps an even better example is the CEO of Walmart, Doug McMillon, who started with the retail giant as an assistant manager in college. Id be willing to bet his resourcefulness is a big reason why hes running the company today.When hiring a leadership team, CEOs key in on team members who get the job done regardless of the circumstances and available resources. So if youre a resourceful person who can solve big problems with limited assistance, youre in a good position to be considered for a leadership role.2. A Willingness To ExperimentTheres not always a clear path to the solution. Sometimes, you have to experiment.High-potential leaders understand this need and are willing to jump into the weeds to try new approaches and test out unproven ideas.When hiring a leadership team, I check for this skill by noticing when a manager sees equal or better results from solving a problem their own way. If amistakeis made once in a while as a result of this approach, thats okay. Having the desire to experiment, and seeing innovation as a result, is much more important than the occasional slip-up.Every good leader has to be open to experimentation, especially in the tech industry. Most companies are building entirely new products, after all.3. Adept At Showing Your WorkRemember how you had to show your work in high school math class? It wasnt just about results- it was about how you got there.This is a similar idea.In buchung to fully understand how my teams are operating, I expect managers to communicate not only what theyve accomplished, but how. I want to know exactly how a plan developed and where resources were allocated- and I expect the flowchart to be well-organized.Finding managers who show their work well helps me clearly understand how the company is operating, which is especially helpful when diagnosing problems.4. The Ability To Help And Teach OthersIts one thing to know how to do a job correctly and another to communicate your methodology.The best leaders can take a big, complicated process and put it into simple enough terms that even a new hire can understand. Thats an extremely valuable skill. And in the same vein, a managers mindset needs to be about helping those around them- not bossing them around. They should be empowering their team members, not taking a power trip all their own.You need to hire leaders who genuinely want, and have the sk ills, to help, teach, and make those around them better.5. Being Open-MindedIn order for a manager toeffectively lead a team, they have to actively accept feedback and ideas from their teammates.Much of the time, managers fall into the rut of thinking they have all the answers. So they begin to rely solely on their own ideas as a result. But a good manager involves their entire team during all creative and problem-solving processes. When given the freedom to operate on their own terms, they define those terms alongside their team members.This considered, you want to focus on hiring a leadership team that is open-minded enough to operate collaboratively, not authoritatively.This article first appeared on Minutes Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Best Fonts to Make Your Resume ATS and Recruiter-Friendly

The Best Fonts to Make Your Resume ATS and Recruiter-Friendly The Best Fonts to Make Your Resume ATS and Recruiter-Friendly It might leid seem like a big deal, but did you know something as simple as the font you pick for your resume can have a huge impact on your chances of scoring your dream job? Learn how to pick the best font for resume content, what font size your resume should be, how good typography can get you past applicant tracking system (ATS) robots, and what you can do to make your resume stand out to recruiters.How Does a Font Get You a Job?Your end goal needs to be making sure your resume catches the attention of a real person. The first step of getting your resume in front of a hiring manager is getting it past the ATS robots. These systems might not recognize uncommon fonts and reject your resume immediately, simply because it cant parse the text for the keywords its looking for. Some top ATS convert your resume into a voreingestellt format for a recruiter to read.If you have the wrong font, the ATS may convert your resume incorrectly, showing important information as tofu, the term for those blank boxes that replace letters, numbers, and other characters when the font doesnt render.Studies show us that some recruiters only spend six seconds deciding if a resume is worth pursuing, so tofu or a hard-to-read font can easily result in your resume being rejected without any consideration of your skills or experience.Typography BasicsIt helps to understand some basics of typography before picking a font and formatting your resume.What we generally call a font is actually a typeface. A typeface refers to a family of fonts. A font is the size and weight of a typeface. That means that Times New Roman is a typeface and 12-point Times New Roman in bold is a font. The distinction doesnt matter much in the digital age, but its helpful to know that you have choices within a typeface. For instance, Roboto, a typeface that Google developed for mobile use, com es in thin, light, normal, medium, bold, and black varieties.Youve probably seen sans serif and serif in reference to typefaces or fonts. A serif refers to the small lines or flourishes on the ends of some letters, while sans serif means the font doesnt have those lines.There are other typeface styles beyond serif and sans serif, such as script, which refers to cursive or handwriting-like styles, or slab serif, which involves serifs that are particularly thick and embellished. These and other styles arent appropriate for resumes, as theyre often difficult to read at a glance and dont play well with ATS.The Best Resume FontsTheres a psychology to fonts that allows you to control some of the perceptions a reader might have of you based on your resume. While we recommend specific typefaces below, youre generally safe sticking to fonts that are ubiquitous, available on most word processing programs (not just Microsoft Word), and easy to read.Should I Use a Serif Font for My Resume?If yo ure applying for highly compliant, regulated, or formal fields, serif is the way to go. Serif fonts are perceived as reliable and traditional. They lend an air of authority. Use this to your advantage if youre working in finance, law, or science or if youre applying to companies with a long history and formal structure.Best Serif Fonts for ResumesCambriaGaramondGeorgiaPalatinoTimes New Roman (although some believe it is outdated)Should I Use a Sans Serif Font for My Resume?If youre working in innovative and newer fields, sans serif is a good fit for your resume. Sans serif fonts are perceived as modern and clean. They imply innovation and simplicity. Sans serif fonts work well for applications to young companies on the cutting edge looking to be disruptive and in creative or emotional fields such as marketing or writing.Best Sans Serif Fonts for ResumesArialCalibriHelveticaTahomaVerdanaBest serif and sans serif resume fonts.Resume Font SizeAnother useful piece of resume formatting t o consider is the size of the typeface you choose. The body of your resume, including headers, should generally be 10 to 12 points, no matter what typeface youre using. Your name at the top of the resume can be a bit larger 16 or 18 points depending on how much space you have to play with.Its a standard rule of thumb in resume creation to make sure your resume is only one page you can bring a more in-depth resume to your interview and use LinkedIn to provide more detail. That one page is essential to get a recruiters attention. A lot of jobseekers try to squeeze in more information by using a small resume font size. Another common mistake is to use font size for emphasis instead of bolding or italicizing.The best trick for a great resume seems easy but is actually really hard to execute keep it simple. You dont want to leave out any of your experience, qualifications, or skills, but something has to go. This is why most recruiting and hiring professionals recommend tailoring your resume to the job youre applying for. Hiring managers, ATS robots, and recruiters are all looking for resumes that fit the role theyre trying to fill, not every job youve ever worked. Figure out the best ways to optimize and focus your resume with Jobscan?Once youve got your resume curated for the specific role youre applying for, itll be much easier to fit your text in at the optimal resume font size.How To Emphasize Info on Your ResumeDont overuse emphasis on your resume. Its fine to bold a section header such as Summary or Education and also italicize past roles youve held, but if you overuse emphasis, it starts to lose meaning. If everything is emphasized, then nothing is emphasized.Stick to bold and italics for emphasis on your resume. Other methods might not scan or convert well through an ATS or make your resume look busy and crowded, decreasing the chances a recruiter or hiring manager will want to read it. Also avoid underlining, since in the digital era underlines are usua lly associated with web links. On top of this, some typefaces dont play well with underlines, meaning lowercase letters like g, j, or q might not scan or convert correctly within an ATS.Other Resume Font and Formatting Dos and DontsDont use more than two fonts on your resumeBe sparing with the use of a secondary font. A good use of two fonts would be a serif typeface (e.g., Garamond) for your name, then a sans serif (e.g., Helvetica) typeface for the body of the resume. Using more than two fonts starts to make your resume look aimless, or even worse, like a ransom noteDont try to use line spacing adjustments to get more spaceThis will also make your resume look crowded and be difficult to read by ATS robots and recruiters. You can play with margins, but be careful not to overcrowd the page.Dont bother with color for a digital resumeIt just isnt worth the effort. Certain colors or shades sometimes appear as invisible to an ATS and others can be challenging for hiring managers or recr uiters to read. Save graphics, colors, and headshots for your CV or in-depth resume that you take with you to an interview.Do get fresh eyes to look over your resumeA good time for this is after youve redone your typeface, font, and formatting. A friend or family member looking over your resume can give you feedback about its readability and appearance. They can also help point out any typos or problems you might have missed its easy to overlook errors when youve been looking at the same document for agesBeat the ATS Robots, Reach the HumansSimple details like typeface, font size, and where to bold your resume might initially seem like they arent worth focusing on. But today ATS robots scan through hundreds of resumes, recruiters only spend seconds on a flood of applications, and hiring managers need to choose between highly competitive candidates. Correct typography and formatting put you a step above other candidates and give you a much better chance to get your resume past an AT S and into the hands of a real person. Why not take any advantage you can get?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Look for a Job While You Are Employed

How to Look for a Job While You Are EmployedHow to Look for a Job While You Are EmployedAre job seekers who are currently employed more desirable candidates? Many experts believe so, but you may wonder how to look for a job while you are employed. It can be tricky to conduct your search without arousing your babos suspicions. She could start looking for your replacement before you are ready to move on. These tips can keep you from running into trouble Dont Discuss Your Job Search With Your Coworkers If you want to turn something that was supposed to be a secret into public knowledge, share it with just one other person. Once someone else knows about it, there is no way to predict how far it will go...perhaps even to your bosss office.To keep her from finding out about your job search dont talk about it with anyone at work. Even a trusted confidant- not to mention someone who doesnt have the best intentions- can accidentally reveal your plans to another person who in turn can then tell more people. Before long, your boss will know what you are up to. You cant expect other people to guard your secret if you cant keep it to yourself. Dont Use Your Work Phone, Computer, or Email Consider any equipment that is owned by your boss off-limits when it comes to your job search. That means, never use a company-issued telephone, computer, or email address. Dont even go online through the WiFi in your office. Theres a good chance your employer could bemonitoring your communication in the workplace, as revealed by surveys conducted by the American Management Association over the last decade. If you have to conduct any business related to your job search while you are at work, use your own cell phone. Make sure it isnt a company-issued one. instead of logging into the company wifi, sign onto your data plan. To send email, only use a personal account. Never give your work email address to communicate with prospective employers. Dont Job Hunt on Your Bosss Time It is very likely you will have to do some job search-related activities during business hours. Thats when prospective employers will be at work after all. However, this is when you will also be at work, and your boss will be paying you for your time. How should you handle this? Use any breaks you get during the day to make phone calls and respond to email. Make Job Search Related Phone Calls Away From the Office Makeall calls related to your job search away from your employers premises. Even though you are using your own cell phone and data plan and are therefore eliminating the risk of electronic monitoring, someone may eavesdrop on you the old fashioned way- by listening. Although the break room may seem like a private place, you never know who will walk in on you. Go to your car or take a walk to a nearby coffee shop that isnt frequented by your coworkers. Schedule Interviews Before or After Work, or at Lunchtime Scheduling job interviews could be a dicke bretter bohren mss en for employed job searchers. If you leave the office during the day, your boss will definitely know something is up. You can lie and say you have a doctors appointment, but how often can you use that excuse? First, see if the interview can happen after work. If the prospective employer can only interview you during business hours, take a personal day or if you can schedule several interviews in a week, use vacation time. Be Careful About What You Wear Your boss and coworkers will be suspicious if you show up for work wearing a suit when you normally dress casually. Find someplace to do a quick Superman-style change into interview attire. While there arent any phone booths around these days, the bathroom of a coffee shop will serve the purpose. Use Former Employers as References A new employer who is close to hiring may ask for a job reference. Since you dont want your current boss to know about your activities, you obviously cant ask him. Most prospective employers will be understanding about this. They are usually satisfied with a reference from a previous employer instead of your current one.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What You Dont Know About Elon Musk Resume Template Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

What You Dont Know About Elon Musk Resume schablone Could Be Costing to More Than You Think Vital Pieces of Elon Musk Resume Template A CV is a tool to capture all your thoughts about your primary character and keep an eye on the many idiosyncrasies and character traits. When youre writing your CV its ideal to use a reverse chronological order. Regardless of what genre you write in, youre require a CV on your primary characters. A fashionable CV with a matching cover letter will be able to help you improve how you present yourself. A Startling Fact about Elon Musk Resume Template Uncovered If you believe something is most likely likely to wind up in failure, but its important enough to try, make sure that you do it. The world is full of competition and you have to rule them out as a way to develop into a winner on the go. If you attempt to rush things, it may lead to mora mistakes and you may overlook some critical things. For instance, if youre asking for a new job with an investment firm, youre probably better off putting that you expect to boost return on investment as opposed to achieve financial world domination at the peak of your one-page resume. 1 feature you ought to look for when deciding on a resume template is a room to highlight your accomplishments. Bear in mind you could always adjust these templates in the app that theyre built for. The Chevron design and light colors within this professional resume template are intended to make a fast impression. In case the template appears different than the example it might be because you dont have the right font. Actually, there might be many resume templates that fit your requirements. If youre applying to a huge corporation or an extremely traditional firm, you are going to want to decide on a template that likewise feels traditional. For instance, it includes a skills page at which you can use icons to demonstrate your proficiency in many categories. You may use our professionally creat ed resume templates and one-of-a-kind resume builder to swiftly and easily establish a standout resume. The online application can be found the appropriate links below. Even in case you have a whole lot of work experience, you should nonetheless be selective about what goes on your resume. Having around 2 pages at your service isnt the simplest, particularly if you have extensive professional experience. Building your resume with an internet templatecan greatly enhance your odds of getting your dream job by providing you with an effective, concise resume which appeals straight to the position or business youre applying to. Possessing a 1 page resume is advantageous for most job applications due to the way the hiring procedure is made today. Specifically, resume writing is among the most searched topics online. Adding information about your private life (such as hobbies) can be helpful to provide the recruiter a concept of your personality. Before you start completing the ap plication, make a list of all the info youve got to have to be able to apply. With all these achievements and previous experiences, an individual would be right to believe that you would need tons of pages so as to cover all of them. There are additional elements that you are able to enhance your CV, based on whether the info is relevant for your job application. Additionally, these templates are suitable for people with very little experience applying for basically any entry level position. The CV is frequently the first document a recruiter will appear at. Its easy to use, and its completely free. Probably, and youre not alone Furthermore, you must decide if youd like to move forward in any way. Ruthless Elon Musk Resume Template Strategies Exploited According to Musk, people may opt to be ordinary. Its simpler than ever to find your prospective employer and the team members on social networking. Remember that HR personnel of the majority of companies are extremely goo d in regards to detail. Elon Musks highly prosperous life can be summarized incredibly effectively on just a single page and it appears wonderful. Whispered Elon Musk Resume Template Secrets Landscape Resume by Generous Art2 may be the solution youve been on the lookout for. When you buy a CV template, youll get both A4 Paper dimensions and in US Letter paper size files. Utilize your own photo and details and make your resume in less than one hour. Review your CV and abilities.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The 5 Best US Airports for Business Travelers

The 5 Best US Airports for Business Travelers In an ideal world, business trips would always go ahead smoothly and as planned.The frustratingreality is this rarely happens.Delays and cancellationsare a fact oflife when youre traveling by flight. Not only can these obstacles affect your perceived reliability and professionalism by making you late to important functions, but they can also greatly impact your mood. If you reach your destination late, stressed, guilty, and tired, youre less likely to perform to the best of your ability.However, some airports are better than others when it comes to flight reliability. Some also have better amenities, faster Wi-Fi, and even perks like yoga studios.Want your business trip to go as smoothly as possible? If you can, try traveling through one of these great airports1. Hspeciessfield-Jackson Atlanta International AirportHartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airportmay be thebusiest airport in the country, but its also remarkably reliable. According to research from Orbitz, alfruchtwein 85 percent of flights from Hartsfield-Jackson leave on time. The airport also boasts 221 different stores and 100 different dining outlets, so you have plenty of ways to fill your time if your flighty does get delayed. If youre running on fumes and you need to rest before a big meeting, try renting a private sleeping pod with a convertible sofa bed and a TV, which can be found on Concourse B. Hartsfield-Jackson also has a state of the art one-stop car rental facility, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.2. Seattle-Tacoma International AirportOnly 0.61 percent of flights from Seattle-Tacoma are canceled, according to Orbitz. Thats one of thelowest cancellation rates in the country. In the unlikely event that your flight is canceled, Seattle-Tacoma also has the fastest Wi-Fi speedof any airport in the US, so you can always remote in to your crucial meeting in a pinch or harangue the airline on social me dia, if that is mora your speed. Seattle-Tacoma also has two reasonably priced public lounges, so itseasy to escape the crowds when you need to add those last minute touches to your presentation.3. John F. Kennedy AirportWhile John F. Kennedy Airport is probably the most iconic airport in America, it doesnt necessarily havethe best record. Only 76 percent of JFKs flights leave on time, and almost 3 percent end up getting canceled, according to Orbitz. However, those are better stats than many other airports, and JFK does have an impressive selection of amenities. With 148 differentplaces to eat and more coffee shops than any other airport on this list, JFK ensures youll at least pass your delays in relative comfort. JFK also has an impressive number of private members-only lounges 29 in total. Provided your company will pay for a subscription, youve got somewhere to retire and get some rest.4. McCarran International AirportDespite being located near Sin City, McCarran International Airportis pretty reliable 81 percent of its flights leave on time, and less than 1 percent are canceled, according to Orbitz. If youve been crammed into a budget carrier for a few hours, or you need to clear your head before your meeting, Fly Fit provides walking paths in the airports terminals that range from half a mile to 1.5 miles. McCarran isalso one of only two airports in theUSwith slot machines. If your pitch went badly well, well leave that up to you5. OHare International AirportOHare International Airport is thefifth busiest airport in the world, and it has a relatively good flight record, with79 percent leaving on time, according to Orbitz. If the worst does happen, business travelers can take advantage of the airports relaxation facilities, including a yoga room and a spa. Even if youre inwardly livid, your colleagues will never know after youve hit the sauna.It goes without saying that delays and cancelations are the most infuriating aspect of any trip, but this is es pecially true during high-stakes business trips. Youre more likely to make a good impression if you reach your destination on time and with minimal frustration. If you can make it work, definitely try flying from one of these airports the next time you have to travel for business.Irma Hunkeler works forResignal, a digital marketing agency.